Sunday, February 24, 2013

Ah.. Life. Projects of the week and the lack of time....

I am determined to get things done despite having possible jury duty.  I have a power point presentation due at work, a few friends of mine have birthdays coming up early March and I need to get a few things finished. I decided to make a No-sew blanket for a friend in PA and a cute knit item for a Pisces friend of mine.  This weekend, I had some things to take care of around the house and Austin and I still didn't get everything we needed from Home Depot.  Why?  Not enough people at work on a Sunday evening.  We did get a lamp for more lighting in our office, so we did accomplish one thing.  We didn't have time to hit IKEA or anywhere with decent shallow shelving.  Next weekend maybe.  Where does all the time go???

I stayed home all day cleaning, picking up after the cats, cooking and weeding the garden.  I wanted to watch my Superfriends DVD and just knit.  Didn't happen. Extra cat dander and puke to clean.   Saturday, I managed to finish a cute scarf because I let my mom do the driving with all of my errands.  (I plan to do the same thing next Saturday).  My mom is the safest driver around anyway.

Do I own a day planner?  Yes.  Cell phone with all of the extras?  (Yes,  but I refuse to pay for internet).  Wall Calendars? Yes.  Clocks?  yes!!!  And another yes!  Time?  Just slips away.

I had a weird morning.  I was wide awake at 5am and made coffee.  Figured I would start the day and get some things done.  No.  I crawled back in bed after coffee and watching a few things on the DVR.   I didn't wake up until Austin was up and dressed for work.  I finally get up and make breakfast and seem to spend a day away from my crochet hooks and jewelry tools.  I haven't eve touched my Lego Friends sets 1 got for Valentine's Day! Now it's time to play!

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